Monday, July 30, 2007

Reading Harry Potter

Several of my co-workers (won't name names..cough joel, ryan, michele, michelle, ladonna) have been aghast that I have not finished the book. I really am reading it! I think I just get depressed that this is the last book and so I'm unable to read too many pages at one time. (Sounds like a pretty good excuse right?) I do wonder how it's all going to end, I get tempted to jump to the last chapters (just for a few seconds though!). I've never done that with any book though so I very much doubt that will happen. I better hurry and get it done soon though before someone lets the ending slip then I'll really be depressed! >=/

1 comment:

MasonTrep said...

Yes yes you must finish it soon, before I tell you what happens to Harry and his romance with Hermonie ;)