Thursday, July 26, 2007

Adding to the chaos

Anyone who works in our department knows that we all have to do the same things. So when Joel decided to start a blog of course I had to also. (flashback: Myspace, Cybernations, Wii, etc)

Will there be much here? Maybe a few posts at first and then like all of the rest of our forays, it will soon fade away. hehehe

I'm now going to set up my Twitter account to complete the ensemble. The only thing is, is that I lead a very boring life so that's why I'm thinking i'll have to make some things up. =)


Janet said...

All I can say is lol, lol, lol and more lol. I see that the competition is now on to see which of you comes up with the more interesting blog. I think I shall elect myself as the official judge and jury and may even have to pass out pins to those that rise to the top! This should be fun. Instead of the ususal 2:00 nap, it can be the 2:00 creative-writing competition, which will stimulate the work flow (hehehe) and add gobs of new humor into our department. Looks like it's "game on".

.justin said...


and i find it nice that the twittering fascination got injected into your dept. via ME!


wiivon said...

Now I know who to take revenge against......