Monday, July 30, 2007

Reading Harry Potter

Several of my co-workers (won't name names..cough joel, ryan, michele, michelle, ladonna) have been aghast that I have not finished the book. I really am reading it! I think I just get depressed that this is the last book and so I'm unable to read too many pages at one time. (Sounds like a pretty good excuse right?) I do wonder how it's all going to end, I get tempted to jump to the last chapters (just for a few seconds though!). I've never done that with any book though so I very much doubt that will happen. I better hurry and get it done soon though before someone lets the ending slip then I'll really be depressed! >=/

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Adding to the chaos

Anyone who works in our department knows that we all have to do the same things. So when Joel decided to start a blog of course I had to also. (flashback: Myspace, Cybernations, Wii, etc)

Will there be much here? Maybe a few posts at first and then like all of the rest of our forays, it will soon fade away. hehehe

I'm now going to set up my Twitter account to complete the ensemble. The only thing is, is that I lead a very boring life so that's why I'm thinking i'll have to make some things up. =)