Thursday, August 9, 2007

My Thoughts on the final Harry Potter

*WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILERS* I finally finished the book on Saturday. I had read up to almost the final showdown between the dweeb and the loser (you can decide which is which) and then took a break before finishing to see if I could figure out what would be Harry's final outcome. While I thought the book was good, it was not *great* in my opinion. It did not have the heart and soul that totally grabbed you like Prisoner of Azikaban or Goblet of Fire. While I did shed a few tears over a couple of the deaths (yeah yeah, i know, i cry over everything hehe), the characters that died were not ones that people really had any investment in. As much as I hate to say it, one of the Big 3 needed to die to really put some drama into it. I dunno, maybe Rawlings didnt want to scar any little kids for life or something. Anyway, I may re-read it next year to see if my opinion changes on it.....or not.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Forgot How Much I Luv Poker!

Playing poker at lunchtime with my fellow co-workers used to be a common occurrence. Today we played for the first time in a couple of months and it was fun! After going out in a blaze of glory the first round (Thanks Joel! >=/) I exacted my revenge in the second round. mwahahahaha Thank you Pocket J's!

Next we need to get back into the weekly lunch bowling too. I was finally starting to average 100. hehehe Okay, maybe that was for 2 games but hey! I was getting better. =)